Getting Started!

About Neuromatch:

Neuromatch is a worldwide non-profit movement with the goal of equitable participation in scientific research. We run several activities to help further our cause.

You may see the name Sciencematch around too - we are in the process of updating our organization name! We'll be sending updates on Slack about how you can be involved in our rebranding process.

Brain About Neuromatch Academy: 

Neuromatch Academy (NMA) teaches computational techniques crucial for success in academia and industry. It serves thousands of students each year with hundreds of teaching assistants (TA). Students learn by solving problems in small groups and by running group projects; they learn in many languages in an incredibly supportive environment.

Earth Globe Europe-Africa About Climatematch Academy: 

From 'data to action', Climatematch Academy strives to empower people from all backgrounds by strategically increasing access to education and networking opportunities, enabling better representation in scientific contribution, and building a global community of scientists and stakeholders to create meaningful change.

Laptop Getting up to speed on all our technology!

Join Slite with your or email address
Google Drive 
Where to find files on Google Drive: 
Course Specific Folders:  Academy > Courses  
Make sure to use your or google drive to access all documents! 
Slack — you'll have to use your or email address to join!
To add channels: 
“Add channels” > view the available channels and join any you’d like! 
You can also leave any channels that aren't helpful any more.
A few important channels: 
#_onboarding - please introduce yourself!! 
Look for channels related to your Department
#a-24- means it's a channel used for this year's Academy planning
A few tips:
Keep messages clear and to the point. If it must be long, provide a quick summary of the main points at the top of the message.
If you're making a decision in a long thread, edit the original message to include the final decision made.
Most volunteers will not interact with Airtable, but if you do, here are some resources 

We use many others tools and technologies mentioned in  Hammer and WrenchTools and Services , but most people just need the ones above. Other tools will be team specific.

Code of Conduct

You can see our Code of Conduct  here. 

If you ever feel that someone is in violation of the Code of Conduct you can submit a report  here. 

 Learn More About Your Department:

Volunteer Orientation