Coaching session

Make a copy of this doc and bookmark it, or, copy and paste it into your 1:1 doc as needed. Use this framework for coaching on thought processes and individual topics. 

Coaching questions
Notes & clarifying questions
What is your goal?
Is the goal connected with the current problem? Is it SMART?
What is the current condition?
Numbers, not opinions Can you show me?How do you know?How did you get your data? Do you have a metric?
What did you plan for the last step?
What was being tested?
What did you expect?
What actually happened?
Only facts & numbersDo you have a metric to show?What is different than expected?
What did you learn?
What obstacles do you think are preventing you from reaching the goal?
What is your next step?
What do you expect?
How quickly can we go and see what we have learned from taking that step?
Can we run this experiment today? Right now? How can I help you going forward?