
Welcome to Nebulab! It's an absolute pleasure to have you with us. Red Heart
For everything related to onboarding we use  Bob —during your initial weeks at Nebulab, we will send you all the information you need to understand our way of working and will explain everything you need to know.
If you follow through with Bob's messages and tasks you should be well on your way to a safe and healthy onboarding. Just in case you got lost somewhere and prefer a list of things to read through we provide this page as a starting point to all things Nebulab.

Who's involved

During your onboarding you should have already met these people:
Operations Manager: they will help you get started to receive you your hire kit, buying, and setting up your hardware, and whatever you need to do your best work
Leadership: they'll prepare and send you the final contract for you to sign as well as prepare the onboarding before you join
Manager: your mentor as well as the manager in charge of the project you'll be working on