Adding Qualmark information

All product listings on  are displayed in lists according to Qualmark awards by default.  Qualmark  awarded products display first in the order of Gold, Silver, then Bronze.

All non-Qualmark awarded listings show after these with a randomised order to be fair to everyone. It is important for any business that has a Qualmark award to ensure that they have added it to their relevant product listings for those listings to display as highly as possible in the list ranking.

Step 1: Log into your business account on the Tourism Business Database - 

Step 2: Go to the product listing you want to add your award to. Select ‘Manage Business’ then ‘Manage Listing’. The Qualmark section will show at the bottom of the listing information under ‘Qualmark ratings and endorsements’.

Step 3: Enter your Qualmark Account ID number and click ‘refresh’. This will refresh the page. NOTE: The drop-down will still show ‘no award’ at this stage.

Step 4: Use the drop-down to select the available award. This will ensure the selected award is linked to your listing. Click ‘Continue’ and ‘Submit for approval’.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why isn't my Qualmark ID isn’t being recognised?
If you’ve just been assessed the ID may still be provisional. Contact the Qualmark Specialist who carried out the evaluation to ask when the ID will be integrated into their systems. 
If your business hasn’t been assessed for more than a year the ID may no longer be current. In this case, it is recommended that you contact Qualmark to schedule a future evaluation.  
What is the value of a Qualmark evaluation?
In user search on  results show in the following groups: Qualmark Gold, Silver, Bronze and not assessed.   

For information on wider benefits, visit  

For more information on Qualmark, or for help with your ID number, please contact . For any questions regarding the Tourism Business Database please contact .