
You can collaborate on internal docs with external people like clients, freelancers, agencies, consultants, or colleagues who are not part of your Slite workspace.

The guest feature is a great way to share docs with people who aren't members of your team. The guest feature helps you to:

share access to a doc without making it public. Keep it confidential.
manage access of individual people, at any moment you can update or retract their permissions.
offer the same level of collaboration (mentions, comments, notifications, etc)

Guests are free of charge, and you can invite up to 5 guests per paying member.
Guests cannot be invited during the 14-day trial period.
In case you simply want to share a public link, you use the "Share to web" functionality.

How to invite Guests

You can invite guests via the Share menu of a channel or doc.
Click 'Collaborate with external people'
Submit an email address
Select the relevant permission

You can also:
- Generate an invite link to share with the people you want to collaborate with.
 (If the link gets compromised, you can generate a new one).
- Send invitations to the people in your contact lists.

What does a guest see?

Your guest will get an email invite, asking them to join your channel. They will be prompted to sign up for Slite, and since they are a guest, this won't change your billing.

If invited using Google or email, the guest will get an email like the one below.
The guest will also get a notification on Slite, letting them know they've been added.
Guests cannot share docs with other people.

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