Module 2: Clients and Solidus

On the second month, you will start working on your assigned project on a part-time basis.
Our clients are fully aware of how the program works, and we will not bill them for any work you do during your apprenticeship, so don’t stress too much about your productivity: instead, focus on learning as much as you can during this experience by shadowing the team, contributing however you can and learning from your fellow teammates.
If you’re unsure whether you’re living up to the expectations of your EM, just ask them!
You will spend the rest of your time studying the fundamentals of  Solidus , our eCommerce platform of choice and the one we develop at Nebulab, and how to use and customize it.

Module curriculum


You should spin up a new Solidus application in a private GitHub repository, invite your Engineering Manager to the repository, and complete the tutorials you find in the Solidus guides linked in this module’s curriculum by opening a PR for each tutorial.
Your exercises will be evaluated following the program’s standard  technical evaluation criteria .