Weekly 1:1 Meeting

Make a copy of this doc and bookmark it. Throughout the week, you can both add updates and non-urgent questions. For each future 1:1, copy and paste this template again below, and add the new date. That way you can easily reference notes and see progress over time. 

Welcome to your weekly 1:1 meeting! 

Use this doc to take notes and add updates for your regular 1:1 meetings. 

General updates and questions

Do you have any questions for me? 
Share company updates or information from other managers.


What’s the progress on items from last week? 
How can I help you with these?

Coach or listen 

Open up time for sharing difficulties or uncertainties

Optional questions

At least once every quarter
What can I do better?
How is our 1:1 working for you?
For someone who has been on the team for 6+ months
How is the team is doing? 
How can we make things better?

Wrap up 

How can I help with anything?
Write down the action items for both of you.

Action items

Manager to do:
Employee to do: