General FAQ


Keyword Research with ClusterAi

What to do after you receive your groupings

Have more questions?

What is a ClusterAi credit?

1 credit = 1 keyword imported from your keyword list.

A list of 100 keywords will consume 100 credits.
A list of 1,000 keywords will consume 1,000 credits.
A list of 10,000 keywords will consume 10,000 credits.

What is your refund policy?

If you did not use any ClusterAi credits, we will refund 100% of purchase
If credits were consumed, we will refund a pro-rated amount
Please submit refund requests to 

How long does ClusterAi credit last?

Paid subscriptions will receive new credits each billing period. Unused credits will expire each month and will not be carried over from month to month.

Will I be charged if I re-import keywords?

You can re-import previously crawled keywords for up to 90 days without consuming additional credits.

After the 91st day keywords are cleared from our database and you will consume an additional credit for each keyword, even if you've already imported it before.

90 day keyword duration is in place so that we continually maintain fresh data.

Why would I re-import previously crawled keywords?

The most common reason for implementing previously crawled keywords is discovering you missed an important variation.

For example, if your list contains 20,000 of the top keywords for "college", "colleges", "university", and you realized you forgot to include "universities"

What file types do you support?

Right now, we support keyword research lists exported from Ahrefs, SEMRush and Google Search Console.

How many keywords can I import during the free trial?

In the free trial phase, you can import up to 200 keywords in one take.

How many keywords can I import when I switch to paid plan?

Once you  pick your paid plan , you'll be able to import up to 25,000 keywords in a single take.

How many keywords does the deliverable contain?

The number of unique content topics (main keywords) provided by ClusterAi will vary. For example, a keyword list of 1,000 will likely generate more than 100 pages of keyword research.

I imported X keywords but ClusterAi only returned Y

ClusterAi groups keywords that can rank together, together.

Each row is a unique page.

If you have less rows than the # of keywords imported, it's because the "missing" keywords are in the variations column.

For example, if you import 100 keywords, you may only have 70 rows.

The remaining 30 keywords have been placed as variations of the main keyword.

I don't have many variations. How come?

The more keywords you import, the more variations you will have.

If you don't have enough variations, import more keywords.

How long does ClusterAi take to group my keywords?

1,000 keywords = 1 hour
5,000 keywords = 1-2 hours
10,000 keywords = 2-3 hours
25,000 keywords = 3-4 hours

Have more questions?

Contact us via chat support inside  ClusterAi  or  join our Facebook group.