Top 6 Intranet Examples teams actually love using

We've compiled 6 intranets that your employees will enjoy using.
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April 23, 2024

Intranets aren't what they used to be (and that's a good thing!)

Remember those old-school company intranets that felt like a jumble of links? Thankfully, they've gotten a major upgrade! Today's top intranets are sleek, easy to use, and way more powerful.

The best ones go beyond just being a launchpad. They get smart – tailoring what each person sees to what they actually need. Let’s look at the top Intranet examples.

Top Intranet Examples: A quick look

  1. Slite: A knowledge-first platform designed for organized note-taking and easy-to-find information. Ideal for teams who prioritize streamlined documentation, seamless collaboration on notes, and powerful search functionality.
  2. Workvivo: Workvivo is a leading employee experience platform that helps organizations create a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce. It offers a range of features to improve communication, collaboration, and recognition, including a social intranet, company news feed, employee directory, and recognition program.
  3. Axero Solutions: Axero Solutions is a cloud-based HR and payroll software provider that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses manage their HR and payroll processes. Axero's solutions include payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, benefits administration, and HR analytics.
  4. Origami: Origami is a next-generation HR platform that provides a unified experience for employees and HR teams. It offers a range of features to improve the employee experience, including a mobile app, self-service portal, and knowledge base. Origami also provides HR teams with tools to manage employee data, track performance, and provide feedback.
  5. HR Cloud’s Workmates: HR Cloud's Workmates is a cloud-based HR software suite that offers a range of features to help businesses manage their HR processes. Workmates includes modules for payroll, time and attendance, benefits administration, and HR analytics.
  6. Interact: Interact is a performance management software provider that helps businesses improve employee performance. Interact's solutions include goal setting, performance tracking, and feedback management.

Slite: AI-powered Company Intranet

Tired of outdated, clunky intranets? Slite transforms the traditional intranet experience with its intuitive design, powerful knowledge base features, and focus on streamlining how your team finds the information they need.

What makes Slite a great intranet solution

  • Easy to use, easy to adopt Slite's friendly interface means your team won't waste time trying to figure it out. This translates to quicker onboarding and higher usage.
  • Central home for everything Embed announcements, project updates, company policies, onboarding materials, and more right alongside your team's knowledge base. No more switching between tools!
  • Find what you need, fast Slite's AI-powered search makes finding the right information effortless, even within a content-rich intranet.
  • Keep it organized Channels and intuitive document structuring keep everything neatly in place, preventing the info overload common to old-style intranets.
  • Integrates with your workflow Slite plays well with your favorite tools (50+ integrations!), pulling relevant data into your intranet and saving you from constant app-switching.

Beyond the knowledge base Slite as your intranet hub

  • Company-wide announcements Create a dedicated channel for important updates that everyone sees.
  • Team-specific spaces Give every department their own channel for project updates, resources, and discussions.
  • New hire onboarding Centralize onboarding docs, company culture info, and "Meet the Team" pages within Slite.
  • Employee directory Make it easy to find who's who with a simple, searchable directory.


  • Standard: $8/member/month (billed annually) or $10/member/month (billed monthly)
  • Enterprise: Contact Slite for custom pricing based on your team's advanced security and support needs.
To check out Slite’s pricing in detail, go here.

Workvivo: Your Social Intranet Homepage

Looking for an intranet that puts employee engagement first? Workvivo's social media-inspired approach might be a good fit for your organization.

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What makes Workvivo a great social intranet solution:

  • Feels instantly familiar: The interface borrows heavily from popular social platforms, making it easy for employees to use and encouraging active participation.
  • Places for everything, everything in its place: Dedicated channels for teams, projects, communities, and more keep conversations flowing and information organized.
  • Company-wide communication hub: An activity feed ensures everyone sees important updates, fostering a sense of connectedness.
  • Integrates with your workflow: Workvivo likely works with the tools you already use, making it a seamless part of your workday.

Beyond the basics: Workvivo as your social hub

  • Dedicated social spaces: Encourage discussion, knowledge sharing, and community building with specific channels for teams, hobbies, and common interests.
  • Celebrate wins and milestones: Use a dedicated channel to recognize achievements and shout out team members, building morale.
  • Polls and surveys: Get quick feedback on important topics or just have a bit of fun with company-wide polls.
  • Employee-generated content: Encourage employees to share updates, photos, and ideas related to work (or even fun outside-of-work stuff!)


To learn more about Workvivo's pricing plans, contact their sales team. They can provide details based on your team's size and specific needs.

Axero Solutions: A Highly-Customizable Intranet

If tailoring your intranet to your organization's exact needs is a top priority, Axero Solutions might be the right fit.

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What makes Axero a great customizable intranet solution:

  • Tweak it to your heart's content: Extensive customization options let you shape the intranet to match your specific workflows and branding.
  • Employee-powered knowledge sharing: Axero encourages employees to create and update content, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • Integrates with your workflow: Axero works with the tools your team already relies on, ensuring a smooth transition.

Beyond the basics: Axero as your intranet

  • Targeted communication: Deliver the right information to the right people based on department, location, or role.
  • Multichannel communication tools: Utilize various options like news feeds, forums, and blogs to reach employees in the way they prefer.
  • Advanced analytics: Track usage patterns and engagement to measure the effectiveness of your intranet and make informed improvements.


Contact Axero Solutions for a custom quote based on your team size and specific requirements.

Important Note: Axero's customization comes with a bit of complexity. Be prepared to invest in training for optimal user adoption.

Origami: User-Friendly Intranet Design

Want an intranet that people actually enjoy using? Origami prioritizes clean design and intuitive navigation.

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What makes Origami a great user-friendly intranet solution:

  • Looks great, feels great: A visually appealing layout and easy-to-find information make using the intranet a more pleasant experience.
  • Personalized touch: Users see content relevant to them, creating a sense of individual ownership within the platform.
  • Important updates stand out: A dynamic alert system draws attention to critical announcements.

Beyond the basics: Origami as your welcoming intranet

  • Brand it your own: Customize the intranet with your company colors and logos for a cohesive look.
  • Find things fast: Intuitive navigation and search features make it easy to locate the information you need.
  • Built on SharePoint: Origami integrates seamlessly with SharePoint, making it ideal for organizations already using that platform.


Contact Origami for a custom quote based on your team size and specific requirements.

Important Note: Origami works exclusively with SharePoint. Additionally, you might need some extra customization work to achieve your ideal intranet setup.

HR Cloud's Workmates: Feature-Rich Intranet

If building a culture of appreciation is central to your organization, HR Cloud's Workmates could be the intranet solution for you.

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What makes Workmates a great intranet solution:

  • Recognition galore: Features like Kudos, badges, and point systems let you celebrate employee contributions in a fun and visible way.
  • Communication options: Workmates offers various channels for announcements, team discussions, and even casual chat.
  • Integrates with your workflow: Workmates plays nicely with the tools your team already uses for a seamless experience.

Beyond the basics: Workmates as your recognition hub

  • Boost morale: Public recognition can significantly increase employee satisfaction and engagement.
  • Track participation: Point systems and analytics help you see who's actively contributing to your intranet community.
  • Customize recognition: Tailor rewards and programs to align with your company's values.


Contact HR Cloud's Workmates for a custom quote based on your team size and specific requirements.

Important Note: Smaller businesses might find the number of features overwhelming. A gradual rollout plan can help!

Interact: Your Integration Powerhouse

Need your intranet to work seamlessly with the tools you already use? Interact Software prioritizes smooth integration.

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What makes Interact a great integration-focused intranet solution

  • Connects with many apps: Connect your intranet with a wide range of enterprise applications, from project management to CRM systems.
  • Centralized access: Employees have a single entry point for all the tools and information they need.
  • Streamlines workflows: By integrating key tools, Interact can simplify processes and boost productivity.

Beyond the basics: Interact as your unified workspace

  • Reduce app switching: Consolidate tools within your intranet to prevent employees from constantly switching between platforms.
  • Share data: Integrate data sources to provide insights and analytics directly within your intranet.
  • Custom integrations: Tailor how applications interact with your intranet for efficiency.


Contact Interact Software for a custom quote based on your team size and the integrations you require.

Important Note: Be mindful of overcomplicating things. Prioritize the integrations that will have the biggest positive impact on your workflow.

Choosing Your Ideal Intranet Platform

Choosing the perfect company intranet isn't about the flashiest features or trends. It's about finding a solution that supports your unique company culture, empowers your team, and makes work life easier. To do this well, you'll need to consider:

  • Ease of use: Will people actually adopt this, or is it too complex?
  • Mobile access: Can your team get the info they need on the go?
  • Integrations: How well does it play with your existing software?
  • Teamwork tools: Does it foster communication and collaboration effectively?
  • Document management: Will it streamline how you share and store knowledge?
  • Flexibility: Can you customize it to fit your workflows?
  • Security: Will it keep your company data safe?
  • Analytics: Can you measure how well it's working?

Start by pinpointing the specific problems your intranet needs to solve. This will guide you in prioritizing the features that matter most. Pay attention to how your employees currently find and share information. A successful intranet should enhance your existing processes, and be accessible to everyone – whether they're at a desk or out in the field.

The Essentials of a Modern Intranet

Today's best intranets are designed to:

  • Support your mobile workforce: Information and communication should be accessible anywhere, on any device.
  • Connect and engage your team: Make it easy for people to interact, no matter their location.
  • Prioritize user experience: It should be intuitive to navigate and enjoyable to use.


The examples we've explored show how the right intranet can transform how your company works. Whether it excels in social engagement, customization, design, features, or integrations, a well-chosen intranet can boost productivity, knowledge sharing, and create a stronger company culture.

Remember, your intranet should feel like a digital extension of your physical workspace – vibrant and connected. Start by identifying your organization's specific needs, and then find the platform that offers the perfect fit. This is how you create a digital workplace that gets used.

Written by

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

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Written by

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.