Search your Slite workspace from Slack and ask questions using Slite's AI assistant.

Slack and Slite integration
Use @Slite to speak with your knowledge directly in Slack
Invite into the channel and it will answer your questions automatically
Slite preview your docs when shared in Slack
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Connect two of your most used tools and access your information in a glimpse.
How it works
By connecting Slite to Slack, you unlock a range of powerful features:
- You can seamlessly interact with your knowledge base using Slite's AI assistant. Simply mention @Slite bot in your message or enable the assistant to automatically recognize questions and suggest answers.
- Share Slite Docs effortlessly, either displaying rich unfurls (previews) or sharing them as PDFs.
- Personalize your experience by setting up custom Slite notifications directly within Slack.
- Keep your team in the loop with automatic sync between Slite Channels and Slack Channels, ensuring you receive timely notifications whenever a document is created or updated.