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Marketing Plan Template

Looking for a shortcut to create a marketing plan? Use Slite's marketing plan template to achieve your business goals.
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What's a Marketing Plan Template?

A marketing plan template is a great way to get started to create a marketing plan for your business. It outlines your company's strategy and tactics for promoting your products or services within a specific time-frame.

Slite's free marketing plan templates & examples

Putting together an effective marketing plan is no easy task, and that's exactly why many businesses put it off or don't use one at all. Don't fall into that trap!

Having a basic marketing plan template is the best way to ensure that your team's marketing efforts really pay off. The time and effort that your team puts into their marketing plan will ultimately balance out in terms of time and resources saved, as well as the return on investment of their marketing activities.

Slite's got your back! Our collaborative marketing plan template makes the whole process easy and straightforward while giving you a strong base to start from. To help inspire you, there are also many marketing plan examples available online that can provide some great ideas and insights.

Marketing Project Template

A marketing plan helps you stay on track with your marketing goals. It gives you a structure that lets you build your campaign and measure your progress effectively. Our Project Report Template provides some simple marketing plan examples that help you with every step of bringing your product to market.

Free Marketing Project Template to Use
Try Slite's Marketing Project Template

Marketing Experiment Template

A template for marketing ensures consistent branding and messaging, and gives you built-in analytics to track engagement and success metrics. Our free marketing plan template gives you time-saving features like premade sections and content blocks with professional design and layout, with easy customization to suit your project's unique needs and preferences.

Free Marketing Experiment Template to Use
Try Slite's Free Marketing Experiment Template

Marketing Newsletter Template

A template for marketing ensures consistent branding and messaging, and gives you built-in analytics to track engagement and success metrics. Our free marketing plan template gives you time-saving features like premade sections and content blocks with professional design and layout, with easy customization to suit your project's unique needs and preferences.

Marketing Plan Template for Newsletters
Try Slite's Free Marketing Newsletter Template

Competitor Analysis Marketing Template

Our marketing plan sample includes components such as hypothesis statement, test design, data collection, analysis, and next steps. This lets you test your marketing hypotheses, identify and explain observed trends, and gather conclusive data that lets you optimize your marketing campaigns for the best possible results.

Try Slite's Free Competitor Analysis template

How to write a marketing plan template with Slite

If you're looking to create a comprehensive and effective marketing plan, utilizing strategic marketing plan templates can be a great starting point. Here are three simple steps to help guide you through the process.

Step 1: Establish the Context

In order to determine the best marketing strategy template for your business and the roadmap to get there, your marketing team must be acutely aware of their context. It's impossible to effectively market your product or service if you don't have a good understanding of the marketing environment you're working with.

Step 2: Determine Key Players

It's vital to establish the most important people involved in a given marketing strategy template right off the bat. Make sure to determine team leaders, marketers, managers, contributors, stakeholders, and key marketing channels as soon as possible. Whether you're working with a small business or a large organization, this is crucial.

Pro Tip: Your marketing team may need to be divided into subgroups depending on your marketing strategy. Ask yourself questions like: "Will we require a specific content marketing strategy? What about the social media marketing strategy?"

Step 3: Describe Your Customer Base

Provide insights from your ideal customer demographics. Undertake market research to discover their personal goals, pain points, and social media habits. Most importantly, discover what would drive them to buy your product.

Step 4: Identify the Desired Outcome

A good marketing plan template lets you define your marketing objectives and determine whether you're seeking to boost brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales.

Step 5: Present Your Approach

Marketing plan templates help you build your marketing strategies around the 7 P's: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people. These seven elements should be integrated into your marketing plan example if you want to build a cohesive marketing plan that aligns with your overall business strategy and goals.

Step 6: Share, Modify & Save for Later Use

Slite's marketing plan strategy template comes with features that help with sharing and modifying your template between team members. Version history makes it easy to track changes and modifications and save your work for recurring projects.

...there you have it! You're on your way to taking your business to the next level with an effective marketing plan template.

How to Fill Out Your Marketing Plan Template

Executive Summary

Quickly draft an overview mentioning the need for the marketing plan, its stakeholders, goals and strategy in a way that fits your initial marketing plan layout. Make sure to highlight the most important information that readers should know.

Hint: Don't worry about getting it perfect the first time. You can fine-tune this later in the process.

Situation Analysis

Address your unique challenges and opportunities. Situational analysis should take into account your goals, target audience, messaging, budget, and timelines, and should be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.Don't leave this step too late when filling out a marketing plan template.

Here, you should be thinking about your business' strengths and weaknesses, general brand awareness, competitor analysis, situation analysis, USPs, and market share.

Target Market

If you think you know your target audience, get to know them better. In fact, they should feel like your best friends by the time you're done with your marketing plan template.

Even if you already have an established target market and buyer persona, refine them further using more attributes in your marketing strategy template. Your marketing tactics need to speak directly to these people.

Go through steps 2 and 3 above to fill out this section effectively.

Objectives & Goal

Your marketing strategy template needs to set out your objectives, SMART Goals, and key performance indicators. A clear description of marketing tactics and strategies and measurable, relevant KPIs will be invaluable when handling budget allocation and resource planning.

Pricing Strategy

Step 5 of building your marketing plan involves providing an overview of your pricing strategy. This includes information about pricing objectives, target margins, and pricing tactics like discounts and bundling. Slite's marketing plan template helps you organize this information.

Distribution & Promotion Strategy

Your distribution plan will determine the distribution channels you want to use and your promotion plan template should include how those distribution channels are used.

Note: Distribution channels refer to everything from publicity, to Google, general search engine marketing & SEO, to content planning & e-mail marketing, to offline events & trade shows, to social media, to community building! You won't have any shortage of options, that's for sure.

Marketing Budget

Your marketing budget must clarify or estimate your total spending. You should break down each investment in detail, with information about who, what, when, why, where, and how.

Sales Forecast and Performance Metrics

Your marketing plan example must include a projection of sales revenues, with information about the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that you'll be using to track and measure progress throughout the campaign.

Implementation Plan

Your marketing plan template's implementation plan requires a detailed timeline of tasks and activities, with information about each team member's responsibilities and accountabilities (you can use our RACI template for this). You also need to include contingency planning measures for unexpected changes.

Pro Tip:  Consider including business and product-specific strategies such as potential joint ventures & partnerships, referrals strategies, social media marketing plan, and customer retention strategies.

Why you need a Marketing Plan Template

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, having a comprehensive marketing strategy template is essential to achieve success and stay ahead of the competition. Marketing plan templates give your marketing initiatives direction and strategy, help with budgeting, and drive growth.

Gives Direction and Strategy

A marketing plan template provides a clear roadmap for your marketing efforts. It outlines your business's marketing goals, target audience, messaging, and tactics. By having a strategy in place, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives and avoid wasting time and money on ineffective campaigns.

Helps with Budgeting

Many companies establish marketing budgets based on guesswork and end up overspending. Creating a marketing plan can help you determine a more accurate and effective marketing budget. By establishing your marketing plan within a specific time frame, you can better allocate resources and avoid overspending. This can also help increase conversions and ultimately save money in the long run.

Drives Growth

A marketing strategy template helps you focus on your business's unique selling proposition and leverage it to drive growth. By establishing clear business goals and the marketing tactics you need to implement to reach them, you can take your business to the next level.

Optimizes Your Marketing Efforts

A good marketing plan template can help you optimize your marketing efforts, streamline your campaigns, and avoid wasting time and resources on ineffective marketing initiatives. With a template of your marketing plan, you can focus your marketing efforts, build a defined strategy and tactics, and ensure the best possible return on investment.

Improves Communication and Collaboration

A marketing plan outline helps improve communication and collaboration among your team. You can get real time collaboration from all relevant stakeholders in the planning process to keep everybody on the same page as the campaign progresses. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.

Provides a Framework for Measuring Success

Our marketing plans template is perfect for this because it helps you set specific, measurable goals and track your progress over time. This makes it easy to measure the effectiveness of your tactics as the campaign progresses and adjust your marketing efforts and resources as data comes in to achieve more conversions and revenue.

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Questions & answers

What is a Marketing Plan Template?

Marketing plan templates are structured docs with pre-filled content to help your team beat the blank canvas when creating marketing plans. Slite comes with a library of templates for all of your workflow needs. From meeting notes to handbooks, team members can use, edit, create, and share any template in your Slite workspace.

How do I duplicate a Slite marketing plan template?

Click or tap the "Duplicate" button at the top-right of the template or "Start with this doc" to add the marketing plan template to your team's workspace (or create a new workspace and get started!).

Where do I find marketing plan templates in my workspace?

You can find the marketing plan templates library when you scroll to the bottom of the left sidebar in Slite. The templates shown there will be available to use and edited by everyone on your team. When you create a new empty doc, you'll also see an option to "Use a template". This button will open the template picker and let you browse through the templates your team has created as well as suggested free marketing plan templates from Slite.

Can I create a marketing plan template in my workspace?

Yes, you can create a new template from any doc in your workspace. With the doc open, click on the three dot "More" action menu in the top right to find the "Save to templates" action.

How can I re-use the same marketing plan template for recurring events?

Funny you should ask. Yes! At Slite, you can automatically create recurring docs to manage your team's regular meetings, stand-ups, or check-ins. Use a template so each new scheduled doc created will be pre-filled with the structure, prompts and tagged people that you need.

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