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Marketing Meeting Agenda Templates

The concept of marketing meetings is relatively straightforward - they provide opportunities for marketing teams to come together and discuss relative topics of importance.
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What is a marketing meeting agenda?

The concept of marketing meetings is relatively straightforward - they provide opportunities for marketing teams to come together and discuss relative topics of importance. In the same vein, marketing meeting agendas are the schedules and outlines that give those meetings structure.

Whether your marketing team meetings happen weekly or monthly, they might not have the best reputation. Many people dread meetings and feel that they're a waste of time. This couldn't be farther from the truth, but great meetings require their fair share of organization and planning. That's where marketing meeting agendas come in.

Marketing meeting agendas are highly flexible and can be adapted to different companies and marketing niches, but often include the following elements:

  • Attendees and key team members.
Note: This is especially important if certain people are tasked with presenting certain agenda items.
  • Productive meetings often establish a central goal or objective for the marketing meeting (and general marketing plan) to focus on.
  • The meeting agenda, which is often divided up into agenda items. These agenda items can be assigned to specific subgroups and/or presenters. The time needed to address them should also be specified. Time to brainstorm, follow-ups from past meetings, and predicted challenges can also be included here.
  • End of meeting conclusions. This includes announcements, task assignments, recaps, action items, and deadlines. Future meetings can also be planned here.

What can a marketing meeting agenda do for me?

Don't wait to put together a marketing meeting agenda for your next team meeting because it'll...

  • Increase efficiency & productivity. Who doesn't love that? Marketing meeting agendas will help you reverse the stereotype of meetings being a waste of time. Using a planned agenda will make your meetings into efficient work sessions that your entire team looks forward to attending.
  • Provide a record of the most important takeaways. Marketing meeting agendas usually provide space for meeting notes, so you'll have a written record of important takeaways for the entire team to refer back to.
Note: You'll also be able to refer back to these takeaways in future meetings!
  • Prevent your meetings from running overtime. Marketing meeting agendas are extremely helpful time management tools. They'll help you plan for a realistic amount of topics to be discussed at the meeting and make sure that you stick as close to your schedule as possible.

Slite's free marketing meeting agenda template

Ready to start putting together a marketing meeting agenda for your monthly meetings? Slite's got your back.

Our free marketing meeting agenda template is the perfect tool to help you get started. Our templates look great, are 100% customizable, can be worked on collaboratively... and did we mention that they're free? That's right! It doesn't get any better than that.

Get ready to wow the meeting room!

How can I get started?

Ready to go? Begin developing your marketing meeting agenda by:

Establishing Basic Information

Make sure you include space on your marketing meeting agenda to take note of basic information like meeting date, general purpose, attendees, and location. It might seem obvious, but you'll thank us later when you're getting organized.


The best marketing meeting agendas reflect the marketing teams' actual needs. Think about your past marketing meetings and take note of what worked and what didn't. One way to clearly address these ideas is by utilizing a marketing plan template.

Hint: Slite's collaborative templates are perfect for this.

Keep things simple and useful with your marketing agenda and avoid including elements that aren't practical for your team.

Considering Meeting Frequency

Does your team usually have weekly meetings or monthly meetings? This will impact how your marketing meeting agendas are organized. As a general rule, weekly meeting agendas should be shorter and focus on short-term goals, whereas monthly meeting agendas should cover more ground and have broader objectives.

Adding Actionable Elements

One of the biggest criticisms about meetings in general is how they don't always lead to action. You can help avoid this pitfall by incorporating actionable steps into your marketing meeting agenda. This can be noted underneath each individual agenda item.

...there you have it! Forget about your marketing team complaining about long and aimless meetings. With a little more development, your marketing meetings will be turned into efficient work sessions that your entire team benefits from attending.

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