
How can you implement Enterprise Search?

Here's a simplified 8-step overview of implementing an enterprise search engine:

  1. Assessment: Define your organisation's specific search needs, the types of data you want to index, and your desired user experience.
  2. Vendor Selection:some text
    1. Build vs. Buy: Decide whether to build a custom solution in-house (more control, but resource-intensive) or use an existing enterprise search platform.
    2. Research vendors: Compare features, pricing models, scalability, and suitability for your use case based on your needs assessment.
  3. Deployment:some text
    1. Cloud: Configure and deploy your chosen solution in a cloud environment.
    2. On-premises: Install the search software on your own servers and configure it
  4. Data Integration: Connect the system to your various data sources (file shares, databases, cloud storage, etc.).
  5. Indexing and Tuning: Crawl your data to build the search index and optimise relevance ranking.
  6. User Interface: Design a user-friendly search interface, potentially customised to match company branding or workflows.
  7. Testing: Conduct user testing to evaluate search effectiveness and gather feedback.
  8. Training and Rollout: Train your users on how to leverage the new search solution optimally.

Important Considerations:

  • Complexity: Implementing enterprise search can be a complex endeavour, especially for large organisations with intricate data landscapes. You may need IT expertise or consider partnering with an implementation specialist.
  • Change Management: Successful implementation involves preparing your organisation for the new search system and addressing any potential resistance.

What are the pricing factors for an Enterprise Search Solution?

There are 6 key features and pricing factors to consider while considering building/buying an Enterprise Search solution:

  1. Scale: The number of users, the volume of data to be indexed, and the complexity of your data landscape all impact the cost.
  2. Deployment Model:some text
    1. Cloud-based (SaaS): Subscription-based pricing, often charged per user or per volume of data indexed. Can be more affordable for smaller setups or pilot projects.
    2. On-premises: Higher upfront investment in hardware and software licences. Maintenance costs can add up over time.
  3. Customization: Tailoring the search experience to your specific needs can increase development costs or licensing fees.
  4. Advanced Features: AI-powered capabilities like cognitive search often come at a premium.
  5. Data sources and volume: Estimate the overall size of the content you want to make searchable.
  6. Number of users

What are the main criteria for choosing enterprise search software?

Data Connectors

It's critical to figure out how many data connectors an enterprise search engine needs to index data from different data sources. It's good practice to include future sources along with those you plan to index. But if a source will be removed soon, skip it. This is especially true if the relevant data will move to a new source.

Privacy and Security

Security and privacy of data are very important when searching for information in a company. The search tool must follow the corporate security policies and rules of the company, SOC2, and laws like GDPR. We must take steps to make sure that data is safe and kept private, which protects important business assets.

  • Follows rules for compliance that are set by the government and different industries
  • Encryption built into the indexing process protects content from people who want to do harm
  • Customization of IP restrictions and encryption processes
  • Connecting to providers of single sign-on (SSO)
  • Each user can control how they get to information, and security filters are used for indexed content
  • Multilayer security is used in cloud environments, on-premises data centers, intranets, and operations

Intelligent Search or Predictive AI

Predictive AI is widely regarded as the future of enterprise search engines. This technology enhances search capabilities by:

  • Using machine learning algorithms that incorporate self-learning capabilities and artificial intelligence
  • Continuously learning from users to innovate and enhance search results based on their usage patterns
  • Leveraging custom APIs to optimize search tools for specific audiences, delivering fine-tuned results that improve over time

Ishaan Gupta
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Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

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