You need these 8 Internal communication tools

Different messages warrant for different mediums. Learn how we use 8 internal communication tools to keep us in the loop even as a fully remote team.
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June 27, 2024

Have you ever pasted a 2-page brief in the Google Meet chat? Us neither.

You’d use a share-able doc link, wouldn’t you? Similarly, you’d use email for reaching out to customers.

All of us practice these inherent rules around work communication.

A Slack message, an email, a doc comment - we pick the medium based on the subject matter.

Having captured this insight, we’ve seen a growing trend of people building tools for different types of internal communication. Employee experience, being a core of big tech’s hiring philosophy, has only fuelled the fire.

That leaves us with some brilliant tools on the market. As a fully remote company, we were the ICP for much of these tools. Every tool that improves our remote communication - brings us closer. Which is why, we’ve done our due diligence and finally have a communication stack that keeps our team happy.

So let’s look at which internal communication tools help us stay productive and more importantly - connected, and why they are considered the best internal communication tools available.

1. Instant Messaging – Slack

You know what’s almost as ubiquitous as bad coffee in the startup world? Slack. It’s practically the de facto IM tool and communication software for us scrappy teams, and for good reason. With its popularity, low learning curve, and wide adoption (read: everyone already knows how to use it), onboarding new hires was as smooth as a well-caffeinated morning.

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But it’s not just about the zero learning curve for us. Slack’s versatility is where it really shines. We’ve ditched half our internal meetings and awkward one-on-ones for Slack Huddles.

And let’s not forget the integrations! Zapier, our trusty automation sidekick, pings us the moment a demo request rolls in. Bonusly adds a sprinkle of fun by letting us reward each other with virtual kudos. Seriously, who doesn’t love a surprise digital high-five?

The cherry on top? Our Slack convos don’t just disappear into the digital abyss. We’ve got Slite indexing everything, turning our chats into a searchable knowledge base. It’s like having an AI-powered memory for our team, ready to answer any burning question in a flash.

2. Synchronous video conferencing - Google Meet

When we’re not huddling up in Slack, there’s one place we’re guaranteed to be found: Google Meet, our go-to video conferencing tool.

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It’s our virtual conference room, especially for all those important chats with customers and external partners. You know, the ones where you want to actually see the whites of their eyes (or at least their pixelated faces).

And hey, we’re not gonna lie, the add-ons are pretty sweet. Think of them as the virtual equivalent of those fancy whiteboard markers that make meetings 10% less boring. Plus, Google’s constantly rolling out improvements like video effects that make us look way more presentable than we actually are and noise separation that magically filters out barking dogs and screaming kids.

But the real kicker? It’s the tool with the least friction. Meet’s already baked into our Google Workspace plan, so it’s like getting a free scoop of ice cream with your waffle cone. It works wonders for our small team without leaving a gaping hole in our budget.

Now, if you’re rolling with a bigger crew and need Fort Knox-level security and more bells and whistles than a marching band, Zoom and Cisco Webex might be more your speed. But for us, Google Meet is the Goldilocks of video calls: just right.

3. Asynchronous video - Loom

Working across multiple time zones means we’re pros at async communication. It’s like having a conversation with someone on the other side of the world, only you don’t have to worry about waking them up at 3 a.m. (sorry, East Coast team!). But sometimes, explaining something through text just doesn’t cut it. That’s where Loom swoops in.

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It lets you share your screen, scribble all over it, and explain your ideas at your own pace. Essentially, it's video messaging on steroids, and trust us, we’re hooked.

The AI-powered summary feature is a godsend for those of us who are constantly pressed for time (read: everyone). It magically distils your rambling monologue into a neat little summary, so you can catch the drift without sacrificing your precious coffee break. And the auto-timestamps? Pure brilliance. They act as a fast-forward button for your videos, allowing you to jump straight to the juicy parts and skip over any awkward pauses or accidental cat cameos.

But wait, there’s more! Loom’s newer editing features have transformed it into a pocket-sized production studio. We’re now churning out polished product demo videos that leave our prospects utterly impressed.

4. Project Progress - Linear

We’re not just smitten with Linear for its functionality; we’re low-key obsessed with its design philosophy. It’s a team and a product that inspires us to bring our A-game every day. Their focus on sleek simplicity and intuitive workflows makes Linear one of the most effective collaboration tools we use. It’s the digital embodiment of that “aha!” moment when everything just clicks.

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And speaking of clicking, Linear is our go-to for managing projects and wrangling those pesky tasks. It’s like having a project manager whisper sweet nothings of encouragement in your ear (without the awkward office romance). Plus, it gives everyone a bird’s-eye view of what’s happening across the company. Transparency? We’re all for it.

But hey, let’s keep it real. If you’re the kind of team that thrives on simplicity (think sticky notes and whiteboards), Linear might feel a tad overwhelming. It’s not exactly the most forgiving tool when your internet connection decides to take a nap. And if your workplace vibe is more “suits and ties” than “hoodie and jeans,” it might clash with your company culture.

So, before you jump headfirst into the Linear pool, take a moment to dip your toes in and see if it’s the right fit.

5. Collaborative and centralised docs - Slite

Remember how we mentioned being obsessed with transparency? Well, that’s where Slite comes in as our virtual HQ. It’s the beating heart of our company knowledge.

That's us!

We’re talking strategy docs, project plans, meeting notes, half-baked ideas, random musings – you name it, it’s probably in Slite. It’s basically our company wiki, HR hub, and communal notepad all rolled into one.

And the best part? Finding what you need is a breeze, thanks to Slite’s AI-powered search. It’s like having a personal librarian who can instantly pinpoint that one obscure piece of info you swore you saw somewhere… but can’t quite remember where.

But Slite isn’t just about finding stuff; it’s about trusting the information you find. Their verification features and Knowledge Management panel give us the peace of mind that the info we’re working with is accurate and up-to-date. It’s like having a fact-checker on speed dial, minus the annoying phone calls.

Plus, with Slite, there’s zero learning curve. It’s one of the simplest yet most powerful knowledge management apps out there.

6. Internal employee recognition - Bonusly

We’re big believers in celebrating wins, no matter how big or small, as a way to boost employee engagement. That’s where Bonusly comes in, adding a healthy dose of fun and recognition to our everyday work life. Think of it as our virtual cheerleader, always ready with a high-five or a “you got this!” when we need it most.

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With Bonusly, we can dole out virtual rewards to our teammates for everything from crushing a project deadline to brewing the perfect pot of coffee. These rewards come in the form of points, which can then be exchanged for real-world goodies like gift cards, charitable donations, or even a custom-made company tumbler.

But Bonusly isn’t just about the gift cards, it’s a way of objectively and publicly praising your employee. It’s a way for us to say “thanks” and “good job” in a way that feels fun and engaging. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to get those competitive juices flowing.

So, if you’re looking to inject a little positivity and playfulness into your workplace, give Bonusly a spin.

7. Email - Gmail

Why mess with a good communication tool, right? Our love affair with Gmail stems from the same logic we have for Google Meet: it’s simple, it’s integrated, and it just works.

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But Gmail isn’t just about sending and receiving emails anymore. The new AI-powered features, like Smart Compose and Nudges, have become our virtual assistants. They help us craft emails faster than you can say “reply all,” and gently remind us to follow up on those important conversations that might have slipped through the cracks.

Of course, bigger companies with tighter security and compliance needs might prefer the Microsoft Suite. But for us nimble startups, Gmail is the perfect balance of functionality and user-friendliness.

8. Employee satisfaction Surveys - BambooHR

BambooHR, our HRMS platform, is more than just a glorified spreadsheet for managing vacation days. It’s our standard go-to for conducting employee surveys, including employee net promoter score (eNPS) surveys.

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It always gives us valuable insights into how happy, engaged, and fulfilled our employees are. It helps us identify areas where we’re excelling (humble brag) and areas where we need to step up our game.

But, will the same stack work for you?

Every team is different, and having a solid internal communications strategy is crucial to finding the right tools. What works for us might not work for you. So how do you go about finding your own perfect communication cocktail? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Team size and structure: Are you a scrappy startup or a sprawling enterprise?
  • Communication style: Do you prefer quick chats or in-depth discussions?
  • Budget: Let’s be real, some tools are pricier than others.
  • Integration with existing tools: Nobody wants a bunch of disjointed apps that don’t play nice together.

Ready to take the next step?

If you’re looking for powerful internal communications tools to help you build a more connected, informed, and engaged workforce, give Slite a try. It’s a versatile platform that combines knowledge management with awesome collaboration features. Whether you’re a small startup or a growing enterprise, Slite can help you create a workplace where your team thrives.

Written by

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

Elisa Reggiardo is part of the Marketing team at Slite where she leads the Partner Marketing motions. She is also a mom, author, and a big fan of delicious wine.

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Integrations with SlackUp to 3 connections
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Written by

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

Elisa Reggiardo is part of the Marketing team at Slite where she leads the Partner Marketing motions. She is also a mom, author, and a big fan of delicious wine.