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Time off Handover Template

Going on vacation? Don't sweat it! Our nifty time off handover template keeps your team in the loop and projects running smoothly. It's like a well-organized high-five between you and your colleagues. Jot down your ongoing tasks, share those nuggets of wisdom, and delegate like a pro. With this template, you'll be sipping cocktails on the beach (or binge-watching your favorite show) knowing your work is in good hands. It's the perfect way to disconnect without dropping the ball. Happy handover, happy holiday!
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We’ve all been there - you’re about to take a well-deserved vacation, but the thought of work piling up in your absence is giving you anxiety.

We believe your time off should be truly restful, not filled with worry about what’s happening back at the office.

That’s why we’ve created our Time Off Handover Template. It’s designed to ensure a smooth transition when you’re out, keeping projects on track and your mind at ease.

This template isn’t just about listing your tasks - it’s about empowering your team with the information they need and giving yourself permission to fully disconnect. Whether you’re taking a two-week vacation or a quick long weekend, a comprehensive handover can make all the difference by providing detailed instructions and thorough notes to support a seamless transition.

In this article, we’ll walk you through why a handover matters, what to include in yours, and how to use our template effectively.

Key components of a Comprehensive Handover Report

A well-structured handover is your ticket to a worry-free time off. Here are the essential elements we’ve included in our template:

To ensure effective communication and smooth transitions during periods of absence, it is crucial to prepare a comprehensive handover report that includes essential information such as ongoing projects, key contacts, and outstanding tasks to maintain workflow continuity.

Contact Information

Start with the basics. Include your out-of-office dates and emergency contact details. For example:

"Out of office: July 15-29. For urgent matters: or +1 (555) 123-4567."

Ongoing Projects and Tasks

List your current projects, their status, and any actions needed while you’re away. Be specific and delegate tasks effectively:

“Project X: Client presentation due July 20. Sarah to finalize slides 5-10.”

Pending Decisions or Approvals

Highlight any decisions or approvals required in your absence:

“Budget approval for Project Y needed by July 18. John has all necessary documents and detailed instructions.”

Key Contacts and Stakeholders

Provide a list of important contacts and key contact details related to your projects:

“Client Z: Main contact is Amy ( Weekly check-in call every Tuesday at 2 PM.”

Access to Important Documents

Ensure your team can access necessary files:

"All Project X files are in the shared Google Drive folder:"

Regular Responsibilities

Detail any recurring tasks that need coverage:

“Daily team standup at 9 AM - Alex will lead in my absence.” Ensure to prepare detailed handover notes that encompass all vital information for the incoming employee, including tasks, processes, and contacts, to facilitate a smooth onboarding experience and ensure continuity in the team's work.

Remember, the goal is to provide clarity without overwhelming. Don’t add details about your low-priority projects or your work explorations. Anything that’s unimportant to get done within your time-off, leave it out.

How to use Slite's Time Off Handover Template

Now that you know what goes into an effective handover, let's talk about how to use our template to make your life easier.

Access the template

First things first, you need to get your hands on the template. Go to the top of the article and click “Start with this doc”

Customize it

Every role is unique, so take a few minutes to tailor the template to your specific needs. Add sections if necessary, or remove ones that don't apply to you. The goal is to make it work for you and your team.

Fill it out

Set aside some time to fill out the template thoroughly. Be clear and concise in your instructions. Remember, the person covering for you should be able to understand your notes without needing to ask for clarification.

Additionally, make sure to include priority tasks to ensure that critical issues and key responsibilities are clearly documented.

Share and review

Once you’ve completed the template, share it with your team at least a few days before your time off. This gives everyone a chance to review it and ask any questions. It’s also a good idea to go over it with your manager or the person who’ll be your main point of contact while you’re away. Additionally, ensure your out-of-office message provides alternative contact details to address urgent matters during your absence.

By using this template, you’re setting a standard for clear communication and smooth transitions in your team.

It’s a small step that can make a big difference in how your time off impacts both you and your colleagues.

Tips for a Smooth Time Off Transition

While our Time Off Handover Template is a great start, there are a few more things you can do to ensure a smooth handover and a smooth transition before your time off. Here are some tips we’ve gathered from our team at Slite:

Set Up an Out-of-Office Message

Create a clear, informative auto-reply for your email. Include:

  • Your exact out-of-office dates
  • Who to contact for urgent matters
  • When people can expect a response from you

Update Your Slack Status

If you use Slack, update your status to show you're on vacation. You can even set this up in advance to automatically change when your time off begins.

Wrap Up Loose Ends

Try to complete any pressing tasks before you leave to ensure a stress-free holiday handover. If that’s not possible, make sure they’re clearly delegated in your handover document.

Brief Your Team

Have a quick meeting with your project team to go over your handover document and address any questions or concerns.

Update Shared Calendars

Make sure your time off is clearly marked on any shared team or project calendars.

Prepare for Your Return

Set aside some time on your first day back for catching up. Block this in your calendar now so you don't come back to a day full of meetings.

Double-Check Access and Permissions

Ensure that your project manager has verified that your team has the necessary access to files, folders, and tools they might need in your absence.

Plan Your First Day Back

Before you leave, make a quick list of priorities for your return. This can help you hit the ground running when you get back.

Disconnect Your Work Accounts from Your Phone

If possible, remove work email and chat apps from your phone. This reduces the temptation to check in during your time off.

Remember, the goal is to truly disconnect while taking your personal time off. If you prepare well, you’re gifting yourself a vacation without worrying about if your team needs you or not.


Time off should be exactly that - time to disconnect, recharge, and return to work refreshed. Our Time Off Handover Template, combined with the tips we’ve shared, is designed to make this a reality for you and your team.

By taking the time to properly prepare for your absence:

  1. You’re showing respect for your colleagues’ time and workload
  2. You’re ensuring that important projects and tasks don’t fall through the cracks
  3. You’re setting yourself up for a stress-free return to work

It demonstrates that you care about the continued success of your projects and the well-being of your colleagues, even when you’re not there. Additionally, a detailed handover process is crucial for incoming employees, providing them with the necessary context and guidance to effectively take over responsibilities.

We encourage you to make this handover process a regular part of your time-off routine. The more you use and refine it, the smoother your transitions will become.

Ready to transform your pre-vacation stress into pre-vacation excitement? Here’s what to do next:

  1. Access our Time Off Handover Template
  2. Customize it for your upcoming time off
  3. Share it with your team and gather their feedback
  4. Enjoy your well-deserved break, knowing everything is taken care of

We hope this template and guide help you achieve a better work-life balance and truly enjoy your time away from the office.

Now, go ahead and plan that vacation - you’ve earned it!

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